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Have you ever felt like you are just way too small and insignificant for Jesus to bother with you? Or even felt like Jesus doesn’t even know you? After all, that would seem normal. Think of all the people who have lived in this world, and who live in it now. That’s a lot of lives to care about. Some might think too many. “I’m just little ole me way our here on the prairie – how could Jesus even know about me, much less care about me?”
But yet, he does. Immensely. Infinitely. In fact, He loves you unconditionally, all-forgiving, and for eternity. Feeling unknown or nameless in front of Jesus is a natural condition for a human being. But, as the Apostle Paul teaches us, as followers of Jesus we no longer view people from a human point of view. We can see people (and other things) as God sees them … but more importantly, as God sees us!
We are never nameless to God – God knew us before we were formed in the womb. We are never NOT known to God. Which, by the way, puts us in the company of many of the greatest characters in the Gospels – seemingly nameless and unknown, but yet, there they are. The nameless and unknown friends of Jesus … who were never nameless and unknown to Jesus.
Here are just some of my favorite Gospel characters … no names given … no faces revealed … but there they are – just like you and me – beloved children of God who Jesus has come to rescue.
Here are some of my favorite unknowns in the gospels. Do you remember any of these characters? See if there are glimpses of yourself in these friends of Jesus.
Some “Unknowns” in the Gospels
- Wise Men: Nobody knows where they really came from or where they went after their Jesus encounter in Bethlehem. What we do know is that they had a heart for God – seekers – and they trusted the signs and went – followers.
- Sermon on the Mount: A nameless faceless crowd were the first to hear what is considered the greatest sermon ever. Who are the unknowns that got “touched” by the teachings of Jesus that day?
- Roman Centurion: In a desperate plea of humility and bravery, a nameless Roman soldier of some rank comes to Jesus, despite the possible life or death consequences, and bows before the Lord to beg for his own servant’s life.
- Paralytic Man: This unknown man was taken to Jesus so that he could heal him and let hm walk. The first thing Jesus does is to forgive the sins of the paralytic man. He may realize it, but now he is free from sin. And oh yeah, then Jesus healed his legs and the man walked away in glory.
- Disciples of John: These Jewish seekers who were John the Baptist’s first followers, could actually be given the credit for starting the Jesus movement. They helped John “make a way” and some ended up as disciples of Jesus.
- Man with the Withered Hand: He went to Temple on the Sabbath as usual, and there he met Jesus. By the time he left, Jesus had healed his hand, and in so doing, further angered the Jewish leaders who considered this “working” on the Sabbath, and thus a sin.
- Canaanite Woman: This bold and persistent woman impresses Jesus with her amazing faith. Even though she is not a Jew, she believes Jesus can heal all people. She tells Jesus that even the “dogs” deserve some of the “crumbs” that fall from the Lord’s Table.
- Rich Young Man: A man who is filled with religion … rituals, interpretations, laws, etc. … but doesn’t know the first thing about Jesus, comes to him to have his piousness affirmed. Instead, Jesus teaches the man that his heart is too connected to material things, and he had many material things! He left Jesus, grieving.
- Palm Sunday Crowd: Who were these unknowns who were willing to take such a public risk to proclaim to the world that the Son of God has come to Jerusalem? Better yet, who would these “unknowns” be today? You, perhaps?
- Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Another brave unknown woman who walked into the “man’s club” and poured her expensive oils over Jesus’ feet. Her sacrifice for Jesus was her most valuable possession. Jesus said we’d be talking about this woman through the ages. And we are.
- 2 Thieves on Crosses: These unknown criminals revealed in their “on the cross” conversation the precise problem with Jesus; How could he be the Messiah if he can’t even save himself? Only one of the thieves realized it was all part of God’s plan. Jesus told that man He would see him soon in Paradise!
There are countless more “unknowns” in the Gospels, who turn out to be loved and cared for by Jesus. Can you think of some not listed here? Or maybe, you are that person today. Jesus is always calling …
To all of us … perhaps unknown to each other … but always known by God,
Pastor Bob <><
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SAVE THE DATE: AUGUST 21ST: “We’re having a “Divine Dinner” together again!”
So much has happened since we last got together for a potluck/fellowship meal together. And yet, here we are! Ready to move forward again as a church family. We’re inviting all our former and current members, friends, acquaintances, and neighbors to come celebrate with us.
So much has happened since we last got together for a potluck/fellowship meal together. And yet, here we are! Ready to move forward again as a church family. We’re inviting all our former and current members, friends, acquaintances, and neighbors to come celebrate with us.
The VSCC Trustees are calling all persons of the Vine Street Christian Church family and friends to an All-Church Potluck on August 21, 2022 immediately after church.
Let’s face it; Church isn’t the same these days as it was just a few years ago. Still, Vine Street CC keeps “Movin’ On” and Sunday, August 21st is the day we will rally together with each other and celebrate the many blessings we all share through our church.
- It’s our first all-church gathering since the onset of COVID.
- It’s back-to-school time for our students, teachers and administrators. We will lift them all up in prayer August 21st.
- It’s a great time to gather the flock for a good old fashioned church homecoming.
- And, it’s the end of summer and the beginning of harvest time – a time to look at the future of our church and envision what God has in store for us.
But even better – the Reverend Michael Johnson will be delivering the message that Sunday in church! Let’s fill the church for him.
The VSCC Worship Team will be providing the main course (pulled pork sandwiches), the beverages and table service. Everyone else will provide the side dishes, the salads, and the desserts.
I hope to see all of you on August 21st. Save the date. Make your plans. Spread the word!
Amen <>< Alleluia <>< Amen,
Pastor Bob
From the office:
Three ways to let me know that you are planning to attend.
- Call the church office at 217-543-2292
- Email the church at
- Sign up on the signup sheet at the back of the sanctuary.
Please let me know if you are planning to attend. We really need a head count by August 15. Thank you.
The VSCC Trustees are calling all persons of the Vine Street Christian Church family and friends to an All-Church Potluck on August 21, 2022 immediately after church.
Let’s face it; Church isn’t the same these days as it was just a few years ago. Still, Vine Street CC keeps “Movin’ On” and Sunday, August 21st is the day we will rally together with each other and celebrate the many blessings we all share through our church.
- It’s our first all-church gathering since the onset of COVID.
- It’s back-to-school time for our students, teachers and administrators. We will lift them all up in prayer August 21st.
- It’s a great time to gather the flock for a good old fashioned church homecoming.
- And, it’s the end of summer and the beginning of harvest time – a time to look at the future of our church and envision what God has in store for us.
But even better – the Reverend Michael Johnson will be delivering the message that Sunday in church! Let’s fill the church for him.
The VSCC Worship Team will be providing the main course (pulled pork sandwiches), the beverages and table service. Everyone else will provide the side dishes, the salads, and the desserts.
I hope to see all of you on August 21st. Save the date. Make your plans. Spread the word!
Amen <>< Alleluia <>< Amen,
Pastor Bob
From the office:
Three ways to let me know that you are planning to attend.
- Call the church office at 217-543-2292
- Email the church at
- Sign up on the signup sheet at the back of the sanctuary.
Please let me know if you are planning to attend. We really need a head count by August 15. Thank you.
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Just about 4 years ago, I wrote about an article I had read by Carey Nieuwhof, a former lawyer and the founding pastor of Connexus Church in Barrie, Ontario, one of the most influential churches in North America. He has a blog and podcast about the future of the “church” in North America.
Cary had determined what the “hallmarks” will be of the churches that will make an impact in the next decade. Back then – and pre-COVID – we were having our own conversation about the future of Vine Street Christian Church. Now … today … we can look back and see how we’re doing, at least according to Carey’s list.
Here, according to Carey, are the hallmarks of the churches that will make an impact in the next decade:
- The ability to say no. One of the reasons churches don’t change is because leaders are unwilling to say no to current members who prefer things the way they were.
- Outsider focus. Churches that become passionate about people outside their walls will be far more effective than churches that are passionate about keeping the few people they have inside their walls.
- Quick decision making. If you have a decision-making process that’s slow and complicated, you will not be able to keep up with the pace of change needed. If you can’t make a decision within 24 hours, your process is too slow.
- Flexibility. Flexible and adaptable churches that can innovate around strategy and different initiatives will have the freedom to make the changes they need to make an impact moving forward.
- A willingness to embrace smaller to become bigger. When small churches stop trying to be mega-churches, good things can happen. In fact, more and more larger churches will start embracing smaller venues, locations and partnerships to keep growing.
- A quicker, lighter footprint. If you’re waiting for millions to build your building, you might wait forever. Get innovative and start looking at portable and non-traditional ways of growing your ministry.
- Valuing online relationships as real relationships. Churches that aren’t online beyond a website are going to miss the boat. Real interaction with real people online is…well…real.
- An openness to questions. Churches that understand that embracing questions is as important as providing immediate answers will make an impact in the future. We’re discovering that if you embrace questions, the answers eventually find their way into people’s lives. The Holy Spirit actually does move in people’s lives.
- A high value on experimentation. The more traditional you are, the less you will value experimentation. The churches that connect with their community will be the churches willing enough to try a variety of things, and who also have the courage to kill them as soon as they stop producing results.
- Prioritizing a “for you not from you” culture. Churches in decline often think in terms of what they can get from people – money, time, growth etc. Churches that will make an impact on the future will be passionate about what they want for people – financial balance, generosity, the joy of serving, better families, and of course, Christ at the center of everyone’s life.
- A tailored experience, not a tailored message. Churches that decide they will hold the message sacred but tailor the experience to an ever-shifting culture will be more effective.
I know we have a lot of work and prayer to do as we move forward together into this uncharted territory. But it’s good to stop and take a pause and see how much progress we’ve made. And I think we’ve made a lot!
What about you? How do you think we’re doing in these post-COVID times? What should we be doing that we’re not? What are we missing? And who are we missing?
Praying our church into the future,
Pastor Bob <><
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