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B I G  I D E A 
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15).
Pastor Bob
C H U R C H   M E D I A

Recent Devotionals

May 2020

Mark in May; Episode 19 — May 19th

“Mark in May; Episode 19 — May 19th”.

Mark in May; Episode 18 — May 18th

“Mark in May; Episode 18 — May 18th”.

Mark in May; Episode 17 — May 17th

“Mark in May; Episode 17 — May 17th”.

Mark in May; Episode 16 — May 16th

“Mark in May; Episode 16 — May 16th”.

Mark in May; Episode 15 — May 15th

“Mark in May; Episode 15 — May 15th”.

Mark in May; Episode 14 — May 14th

“Mark in May; Episode 14 — May 14th”.

Mark in May; Episode 13 — May 13th

Mark in May; Episode 12 — May 12th

“Mark in May; Episode 12 — May 12th”.

Mark in May; Episode 11 — May 11th

“Mark in May; Episode 11 — May 11th”.

Mark in May; Episode 10 — May 10th

“Mark in May; Episode 10 — May 10th”.

F R O M   T H E   B L O G

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The 7 Necessary Lessons from Week 1: God Speaks

  • PRE-HISTORY: Before God speaks creation into existence in Genesis 1:1, God exists as the sole undivided and unchangeable truth. Then God speaks, and there is light, and the “other” (darkness) becomes part of existence.
  • IN THE BEGINNING, GOD: Before all else, God existed. And then God moved, and creation was set into motion. God is the first mover by which all other things in existence came into being.
  • 6 DAYS: The 6 “days” of creation are not about 6 24-hour periods of time, but rather are our best human attempt to describe how creation happens. There are no mistakes or accidents in God’s design, and “in the beginning” all things were perfectly made according to God’s perfect purpose.
  • PROMISE: God, who created all that ever was and will be, made a promise to all of creation that God will never abandon the created world and its creatures. Therefore, all our hope should rest with God alone, and all our comfort comes from God alone.
  • COVENANT: The other side of God’s promised relationship with creation is defined as “covenant.” Just as God will never abandon creation, so too God will never coerce or impose our response to God’s promise. Human beings are given free will to be self-determined in God’s creation, and the tension that all peoples possess in their relationship with God is between their obedience to their creator (God) or the assertion of their self-will for their own purposes. The nature of God’s promise to us is set and firm. The nature of our promise to God is not. But even when we break our “promise,” God’s side of this covenant relationship never changes.
  • GENESIS 1:27: Humans alone among God’s creation carry the “thumbprint” of God on their soul. We are uniquely made “in the image of God” and thus among all of creation can choose to reflect what God is like in the world that God created. God has shown us, through Jesus Christ, that it is God’s will for humans to choose to live in a community that reflects God’s will, and for each of us to become selfless and sacrificial servants of God and others, which is our true God-given nature.
  • REST: The stories of creation teach us that God is the performer who carries out the work of creation. Not humans. In the beginning, the world is secure in God’s hands, and the life we are given is a gift from God intended as a blessing for life. God created the Sabbath not as a one-day respite from hard work, but rather as a way of life for humans. God desires that we be obedient to God’s will and rest in peace and harmony with God’s design.

LOOKING AHEAD: This coming Sunday we will learn, from the 2nd story of creation, why we as humans are not living in peace and harmony, but rather find ourselves working hard and “laboring” through life.  For Sunday, September 15th, READ GENESIS 2:4 – 3:24. Pay close attention to the 4 different “scenes” that are portrayed in this 2nd creation story: 1) Man is placed in the “garden”; 2) A new creation happens – woman – intended as man’s helper; 3) The “serpent” appears … and speaks!; and, 4) The humans choose.

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Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Last Sunday in our morning worship service, we had multitudes of people raise their hand and make a commitment to become a true disciple of Christ. They have decided that being a “Christian” in our culture is not enough for Jesus, and they want to live up to the call from Him that asks us to “do the hard stuff” and live up to the “commands” of the Sermon on the Mount. This Sunday we begin that journey to discipleship together by initiating a new sermon series. For the next 8 weeks, we will be going back to the beginning of The Bible and walking through the first 12 chapters of The Book of Genesis.  This is a walk intended to enlighten us about the work of God in our lives and the eternal reality of Jesus Christ – from before the beginning to this very moment. Many “Christians” have read the Book of Genesis in a manner that does not teach the eternal and universal truths that it contains. Genesis is not a book of history that tells us when the world began. Genesis is not a book of science that tell us how the world began. Instead, Genesis is a book of truths that are “bigger” than either history or science can contain. The authors of the Genesis are teaching us the eternal and universal truths about God, God’s creation, and the relationship between the two. This Sunday – Week 1 of the “In the Beginning” series – we will be walking through Genesis 1:1 – 2:4a together. I encourage you to take some time this week and read through this text. Spend some time with it. Think about what it is really teaching us about God, ourselves, and the relationship between the two. Try not to read with any preconceived notions about what it says and what it means. Go into this as a blank slate that God can fill with new insights. Leave your urge to interpret the text to your silent prayer and meditation after you have read it all.  As you go through this scripture, here are 7 concepts from the text to focus on or think about as you prepare for the message this Sunday:

  • PRE-HISTORY – Who is telling us this story; how could there be any witnesses, especially before there were any people; what is the point of this first creation story?
  • COVENANT RELATIONSHIP – As God creates, what kind of relationship is God establishing with God’s creation; what are the expectations God has for the relationships and what are the obligations; and finally, what are the consequences for breaking the terms of the relationship?
  • PROMISE – is there an unqualified promise from God to God’s creation; is there a way to completely break free from God?
  • IN THE BEGINNING, GOD – What was there before “the beginning”; What was God doing before God created; and why did God create anyway?
  • 6 DAYS – How did “creation” actually happen; what was it like; was it perfect – or were there imperfections or mistakes?
  • GENESIS 1:27 – what does this verse say about human beings; how are we supposed to live; and what is our purpose in this world?
  • SABBATH – If God supposedly gave us a “day of rest,” whatever happened to it; how can we rest when we live in this world of chaos, violence and fear; aren’t people depending on me to get some more work done?

So, disciples in training, this is your homework: READ GENESIS 1:1 – 2:4a And come to church this Sunday ready to learn about the 1st book of the Bible as if you’ve never learned about it before!  Peace & Grace, Pastor <>< Bob

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In an article that appeared in “Christianity Today” in 1980, author Dallas Willard claims that the New Testament “is a book about disciples, by disciples, and for disciples.” And since our denominational label professes that we are not just a Christian Church, but actually a Christian Church of Disciples of Christ, it seems appropriate, perhaps even necessary, to ask ourselves if we truly are both. Willard says that the Christian church in the West has not made being a disciple a condition of being a Christian. In fact, he says, becoming a disciple of Jesus is an option that one has, but few choose. And this situation seems to have existed ever since Constantine embraced Christianity in the early 5th century. Being a member of the church became more important than being a follower of Jesus.   Think about it: when you think of the Christian Church, what are the things that pop into your mind: a building; worship services; rituals like baptism and Communion; membership and ministries; pastors and boards; and so on. Do you agree? Funny thing is, I didn’t even mention Jesus or His disciples. Let’s just face the facts: being a Christian today (even in the “Christian Church – Disciples of Christ) is a lot more about attending church and participating in its worship, programs, and business, than about following Jesus “in his example, spirit, and teachings.” These are the characteristics of a disciple, Willard claims. Today’s Christian church does not even make this a requirement of membership. Not only that. I’ve noticed that placing ANY requirement on church membership can get a pastor in a whole lot of hot water really fast! Jesus, we have a problem! It looks like we have a whole lot of churches with your name on the front of them in one form or another … filled with undiscipled disciples. Those millions of “members” of Christian churches may be disciples of many things, but for most of them, it would be hard to make the case that they place imitating Jesus all the time as the most important priority in their lives.        As Willard admits, when Jesus actually walked among us, the decision to become a disciple was simple (but not easy). Think of Peter and Andrew, James and John, on the beach. Think of Matthew in his tax collector’s office. Think of Phillip and Nathaniel encountering the Messiah for the first time. They all become disciples of Jesus. We know that because for each and every one of them, it was an immediate compulsion to drop everything, leave it all, and follow him.  People saw it. They were astounded by it, but they saw it. Think of Zebedee, James’s and John’s father, when his 2 sons suddenly dropped the nets of the family business and followed a man they had never met before.  I’m not saying it was easy to drop it all and follow Jesus. But I am saying it was a whole lot more simple than it is today. Today, to be a disciple, we have to find new ways to drop it all and leave everything to follow Jesus. But it is still a hard decision. Choosing to be a disciple means, more than anything in the world, wanting to be like Jesus. All the time. Everywhere you go. It means to take your current life, and devote everything in it to God, and in all that you do, to imitate Jesus. Deciding to be a disciple is a systematic and progressive process of transforming your entire life toward this one exclusive goal. And while we might say that Jesus never told us exactly how to do it … that would be a denial of the truth. Read the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. That will tell you how to be a disciple. The truth is, it’s right in front of us … we just aren’t ready or willing or able yet to abide by it.  So you might wonder: where does that leave me? Am I more “Christian” or more “Disciple?” I say, look at your ultimate desires and intentions – the ones that are deep in your heart and soul. I say look at your specific responses and choices you make to situations you find yourself in every day. That’s the best place to start, because if we’re honest, those things will show us what’s most important in our life. To be like Jesus … or something else.  God has gifted us all with one human life on this earth. Obviously, there are many ways to spend that precious time we have here. For me, it’s the “greatest opportunity in the world” to have the choice of being a disciple of Jesus. I know, as Dallas Willard knows, that it’s the only thing that will fulfill the deepest longing of my soul, and the greatest needs of the world I live in.  Which leads me to wonder … why would I choose any other way of life than to follow in the steps of Jesus. It’s the only way to complete my full potential, and the only way, as Jesus would say, the live the abundant life.  So what do you say Christian Church – DISCIPLES OF CHRIST … anybody else want to try to live up to our name?  Aspiring to become a “Devoted Follower of the Radical Gospel of Jesus Christ” – I am,
Pastor <>< Bob

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