Pentecost Sunday ~ Vine Street Christian Church ~ 5.23.21
(Ponder this: this ancient but well-preserved epistle was found in the year 2414; in a clay urn; on sheets of 8 ½ X 11 white bond papyrus; written in black printer ink that was common for the day. It was discovered by a young boy tending his rabbits, who happened to wander into the ancient grounds of the original Vine Street church. It is believed that the document was written in 2021, during the first phase of the takeover by the Holy Spirit of this small but powerful church in Arthur.)
(Or … was it?)
Book of Acts: Chapter 2,648: Verses 1-4
When the day of Pentecost came, there was a great sense of relief among the congregation. The global pandemic was winding down, and on this very day the chief moderator told the church that it was time to open. Thus, perhaps more than had been the case in recent decades, there was a hopeful anticipation in the sanctuary the God’s favor was finally making itself known again to God’s people.
And so it was, that on this memorable day in the life of the Vine Streeters in Arthur, and also in the life of all who were watching via the internet, they were all together in one place. Both physically … and spiritually.
On this day of the Lord, the Holy Spirit had already filled up the sacred space for worship by the time the worship planner and church pastor arrived early in the morn. Then the flames of candles – like the flames that shoot out of a canon at launch – caught the wind of the place, and rode it all around the spaces of the church and into the hearts of those present.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a mighty wind came from heaven and filled the whole place where they were sitting. As the angels led the people in song, the mystical reality of the real presence of the Spirit of the Living God showed itself to all in that place that day … and to those watching live.
As the songs led into the prayers, the prayer elder of the church read aloud – before God and in the presence of God’s people – each and every name in the church’s book of need. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
Then God became visible to those gathered in the fullness of the Holy Trinity. The water of God revealed to us that God is indeed everywhere, and that we cannot live without it. The ice of God revealed to us that God loves us so much that God became one of us, came to abide with us, and then completed our assurance of forgiveness by dying for us. And third, the God of their time and of ours … the steam of the Holy Spirit … revealed to us that God can now be within and all around all those who seek to know God. No exceptions – steam permeates everything and everybody.
Because of the power of the Holy Spirit in the church on that day, all those present and watching were infused with that spiritual truth of divine love, and immediately and forever understood that God’s love was now available to all God’s precious children, through all time.
With the partaking of the elements by the assembled flock, each and every pilgrim was consumed by the Holy Spirit, and began to think about, and speak about, their fellow believers and everyone else across the globe in a new and different way. It was promised to us by the Holy Spirit that God’s divine love can overcome any other feeling, emotion, opinion and prejudice of any other person that instinctually latches onto our mind and is assumed by us to be truth. All that’s a product of the self-will, an extremely powerful force in the lives of Americans in the 21st century. But on this day, things changed: hearts were penetrated and transformed; and Divine love was poured out on the souls of the people, and there was no going back.
Sisters and Brothers, this is a description of the day in 2021 that we now mark as the beginning of the Jesus revival era. Just like in the 1st century, this revival began with a small band of spirit seekers and soul diggers who had been touched deeply by God’s Spirit and knew that the rest of their lives would be about giving their one precious life to God. With that as their launching pad, the little church at Vine Street in Arthur, Illinois, began a journey
that would begin a new Christ-like era of praising, worshipping, and serving God – all of it Spirit-fed, and all of it Spirit-led.
It’s Time! Catch the Spirit!
~ Pastor Bob <><